Here’s a draft of a short article accepted for a special section of Mobile Media & Communication on Pokémon Go: The appeal of…
Tag: toys
prosthetic imagination, augmented memory
What did I say at the ‘Amusing and Disturbing’ symposium on gaming and children at the Tekniska Museet in Stockholm in April? Ah, I…
the hybrid realities of Pokémon (before Pokémon Go)
Excerpt from Gameworlds: virtual media and children’s everyday play, 79-85. Transmedia systems: Drawing Pokémon As a transmedia system, Pokémon is designed to open up numerous and…
Pokémon as new mass media
Something I started writing at the end of the last century! From Lister et al 2009, New Media: a critical introduction 2nd ed.), 292-294…
the end of toys
Watch this space for a new project to explore the design, philosophy and lived experience of the toy in children’s postdigital culture. Focussing on…
on not re-inventing Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy
Outside, in the garden, it was playtime. Naked in the warm June sunshine, six or seven hundred little boys and girls were running with…
robots are go
With Silas Adekunle of Reach Robotics I have just been awarded a REACT Prototype grant to research playful robotics. More as it develops, but…
The Reality of Imagination
A moment that didn’t make it into the final video version of a microethological study of play across a Real-Time Strategy game (Age of…
Sim You Later
A moment from play with the BBC simulated creature software Bamzooki.