Stip Vuwers, Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, University of Exeter
Tag: toys
hand-held cinema
The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum has uploaded my report on this archive research: Handheld cinema, or the other successful toys that move.
toy theory
Book proposal: Toy Theory: the material and the imaginary in postdigital play. Watch this space.
toying with the archive
I’ve just been awarded a research stipend by the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum at the University of Exeter. Here’s the rationale: My interest in…
we both know your yearnings
I know who I am, but who are we? Distributed subjectivity in the postindustrial machinic phylum. The card is delivered to me from a…
toying with the singularity
I’ve added a draft of ‘Toying with the singularity’ to the Publications page – a chapter for The Internet of Toys: practices, affordances and the political…
why so Serious(tm)? playing with LEGO Serious Play
edited excerpt from Ashton and Giddings 2018, At work in the toy box: bedrooms, playgrounds and theories of play in creative cultural work International Journal of…
Toys, materiality, and imagination (extracts from Gameworlds: virtual media and children’s everyday play, NY: Bloomsbury 2014).
future of toys… network ideas
The central theme of the proposed activity is the future of toys in a digital media culture. Taking recent developments in ‘hybrid’ toy and…
game tokens
Drawing after a photograph in a New Scientist article about the archaeological discovery in Turkey of game tokens from the early Bronze Age,…