The central theme of the proposed activity is the future of toys in a digital media culture. Taking recent developments in ‘hybrid’ toy and…
Tag: technoculture
Pokémon Go as distributed imagination
Here’s a draft of a short article accepted for a special section of Mobile Media & Communication on Pokémon Go: The appeal of…
prosthetic imagination, augmented memory
What did I say at the ‘Amusing and Disturbing’ symposium on gaming and children at the Tekniska Museet in Stockholm in April? Ah, I…
distributed imagination
Distributed imagination: small steps to an ethology of mind and media This project will theorise the imagination in postdigital mediated environments. Imagination has at…
Pokémon as new mass media
Something I started writing at the end of the last century! From Lister et al 2009, New Media: a critical introduction 2nd ed.), 292-294…
the pervasive medium is the pervasive message
Some notes on ‘content’ after some years hanging out at the Pervasive Media Studio, and re-visiting research by Jon Dovey and Constance Fleuriot on their…
small steps to an ethology of mind and media
Slides for my talk at the Media Theory in Transit symposium organised by Yigit Soncul and Jussi Parikka at Winchester School of Art, 24th…
What is the temporality of the design process? There is a moment of production, a blank period of distribution and installation as the object…
design and the black box
Designing for playful media and games presents a particular challenge – not for designers, but for the study of design. The most useful critical…
gesture, technology and play
This is the website for a symposium organised by Helen W Kennedy, Patrick Crogan and myself at the Pervasive Media Studio in Bristol in…
DiGRA 2015: the past and future of players
ecological and ethological studies of children’s play My contribution to the DiGRA 2015 panel From Game Studies to Studies of Play, with Frans Mäyrä, Sebastian…