The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum has uploaded my report on this archive research: Handheld cinema, or the other successful toys that move.
domestic media archaeology
Clearing out a small room in our house that has been used over the years as a baby’s bedroom, an office, a spare room…
toy theory
Book proposal: Toy Theory: the material and the imaginary in postdigital play. Watch this space.
toying with the archive
I’ve just been awarded a research stipend by the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum at the University of Exeter. Here’s the rationale: My interest in…
moments of voluptuous release
[In early critical texts (mid to late 1980s) on the cultural economy of computer games] Fiske & Watts and Bernstein make reference to Roland…
protopolitics of play
The mobilisation in and as play of relationships of control and passivity, of playing by the rules and resisting, distorting or simply ignoring them,…
we both know your yearnings
I know who I am, but who are we? Distributed subjectivity in the postindustrial machinic phylum. The card is delivered to me from a…
toying with the singularity
I’ve added a draft of ‘Toying with the singularity’ to the Publications page – a chapter for The Internet of Toys: practices, affordances and the political…
under the pebbles…
Copied here to avoid unnecessary clicks for the Mail Online: ‘If these are top academics God help our students’: ANDREW PIERCE slams the ‘senior’…